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The community fridge project

HEALS worked with Malmesbury Town Council,Hubbub and the local Co-op stores to set up the Community Fridge in Malmesbury Town Hall in July 2022

How does it  work?

Our two Co-op stores and Malmesbury Waitrose provide their fresh produce that is reaching its "use by date on a daily basis.

HEALS volunteers collect and bring it to the Community Fridge in Malmesbury Town Hall  As well a the fridge there is a  tall freezer and shelves for dried goods.

The fridge is restocked six days a week

Monday to Saturday between 9am and 10am

If you are interested in volunteering please use the contact form or email

We received generous funding from Coop funding partners Hubbub, Wiltshire Council, Malmesbury Area Community Trust and Malmesbury Carnival to make this project  happen

The project team have visited a working Community Fridge in Swindon and Tetbury and are speaking to other projects that are already up and running.

After a year long project planning we were delighted to officially open the fridge on 25 July 2022.  The fridge is open to all to use. It is well used providing free fresh and frozen food for those who need, improve nutrition and helping to cut food waste in Malmesbury.

To find out more please contact us at

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